Saturday, June 27, 2015

The Movie Has Been Released... Watch And Let Me Know What You Think!!!!

Cast & Crew....

#AJ. StoryTheMovie


Unknown said...

Why did he leave? I'm married to a Ghanaian for seven years. I m just curious as to what happened that caused the break down. The movie is inspirational to those going through divorce, but what advise can you give those who marry outside their country?

Unknown said...

We had alot of cultural differences. I was anxious to learn about his culture, but he did not openly share it. I attribute the breakdown to poor communication.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I feel your pain seeing you cry made me cry...smh

Unknown said...

Thank you and I can truly relate to that. It's a constant challenge in my marriage to make sure we are understanding one another well. I don't know how many Three's Company moment we've had and continue to have, but we practice patience. I wish you all the best in your future Endeavor's and thank you for sharing your story.

Unknown said...

Sure. I share because I want to be a resource to other women going through similiar situations. I appreciate you watching. Please make sure you subscribe to the channel.. i talk about stuff like this all the time, and you won't want to miss out. :-)