Tuesday, September 23, 2014

I'm Not Afriad

It takes courage to live in this world... and advocate for certain things... such as God's law, the definition of family, integrity and character. I takes boldness to speak up, and not let injustices happen in front of your face.. It take discipline to order your life, and live righteously even in the privacy of your home or where eyes can't see you... It is not easy feat, but I am not afraid. I am not afraid to be that strong person that I desire to see more prevalent. I am not afraid to transform my life as well.. that I can be an example for others that may struggle yet believe that they can do it. We live in a world where talking and typing are all the rage.. but what are you actually doing.. what steps are you actually taking to make an impact? Is simply stating your thoughts enough to make a difference? Is that enough to change this world? Often when I watch T.V. and witnesses come forth after something heinous has taken place.. the first thing they start talking about is the cardinal signs that they witnessed, yet chose to ignore. They start talking about perhaps what they could have done to change the outcome.. yet i have come to the conclusion talking IS NOT enough... feeling and thinking is not enough.. Ultimately, one will have to take some sort of heed to make a difference. I believe that this is one of the many reasons that our current American culture is so wavering in all that it stands for.. we have so many voices spouting out feelings.. and very few that stand strong and take action.  It takes courage which God has so graciously given me in abundance along with conviction... To overcome the lies we have all been told. I recently took my dream trip to London, United Kingdom and the trip changed me. I took the trip at a pivotal time. I had unexpectedly lost my job and had been experiencing other challenges that were simply leaving me feeling defeated. Coming abroad and seeing the way that the British do life greatly inspired me, and I returned home with a new sense of self..... and elevated ambition. I realized that simply existing is not the sum of life. It actually requires more....which can be summed up by leaving a positive impact. There are plenty evils that can seem to drown out good concepts, but if you forge through.... You will have accomplished the feat of leaving an impact, and no one can take that from you.

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