As a black woman in America.. as someone whose children will also be black.. I fear for my safety and theirs. I understand that no amount of money or education keeps me safe.. that is draws no barriers from me and the misfits of society that also share my color. I understand its time, chance and God that protects me only. I could be the next instance of police brutality... whether I'm in the wrong or not simply because of my color. Simply because of stereotypes. Throughout my lifetime.. I have watched several black people (guilty and innocent, unarmed or armed) die as a result of confrontation with police. Ive watched the situation unfold on T.V. Although I don't know the families personally.. I have shared in their sorrow because I have placed myself in their shoes. I have imagined the very same impact on my own life... and I have imagined the helplessness they must feel. I have watched officers and the like go unpunished, unfined, and acquitted from their crimes.. I absolutely understand the language of a riot. The law has the burden of being an unbiased representation for the general public. It is meant to make us safe.. and we are supposed to trust those in that authority. When those can no longer be trusted.. the people begin to speak in whichever manner they choose too. Is it fair to the causalities? To those bystanders that wish for more peaceful resolutions? Indeed it is not... However a riot is the fruit of bad circumstances... usually the result of an issue gone unresolved too long. I understand.. the frustration. I understand the need to be acknowledged.. I understand that waiting for someone to advocate on your behalf has yet to happen.. yet to yield anything. I understand wanting to inflict the pain you feel on the world.. to make someone pay.. to make someone see you. If there were one thing I' d add to the riots... I'd add burning state buildings.. I'd add burning the communities of those that continue to misuse their positions.. those that choose to ignore... I'd reduce them down to that they may see eye to eye with the despair they contribute too.....
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