With all this Bruce Jenner (Kim Kardashian's step father, former Olympic athlete etc) transgender talk.. I SEE what the media has to say.. I see how even some members of his family think and feel, yet I want to express how I feel and think on the subject. I feel deeply that these people that 'look at them self in the mirror and see someone else' are terribly troubled, and need to curtail their lofty distorted view of themselves. The fact of the matter is that it is very clear what gender you were born. Even if on the off chance you may have been born with different body parts (which alot of transgender people are not) it is still clear to see who you are. If you are born a man.. you are a man no matter how much you want to be a woman. Likewise for a woman. The current climate of sex changes and scientific manipulation is all cosmetic. Because by nature your body will perform its designed purpose whether you like it or not. I know that the world promotes you to go along with the confused feelings you are having, but I encourage you to be honest with yourself and hone in on the issues that are making you have these wild thoughts. In the case of Bruce Jenner.. I think that it is pitiful no one is having a real conversation with him. All those around him claim to be 'in support' of this radical foolishness. I as one would never support my parent in doing such things. I would never condone it. its not o.k. and the ramifications will run deeply into his family and those associated to him. I think that in reality there are many more people that do not support this sort of behavior but are afraid to speak out against it for fear of backlash. I think that running away from your issues whatever they may be will hurt you in the long run. You cannot escape being a man or a woman by covering it up.... you will always be what you were born to be. I can sometimes relate to having thoughts a man would have, or wanting to do life the way they do because the world is much more liberal and accommodating to men. They get power and jurisdiction that a woman can never have, however over the years I have learned that i am a woman.. and this is just how it has to be. God never made a mistake when he decided to make me a woman.. obviously I serve my own specific purpose. It is dangerous for us to take matters into our own hands and begin to manipulate science so that we can do our own agenda. I also find it disturbing that we are not calling transgenderism what it actually is, which is a form of mental illness... I urge any struggling with these sensations to seek professional help, and I pray that whomever you seek will speak truth into your life, and help you onto the path of recovery.
Thursday, April 30, 2015
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Bridging the Gap (African American & African Relations)
I learned very early in the game that I was not white... although smart and vibrant amongst my mostly white class at the private school I attended for most of my childhood life. Inasmuch as I tried to fit in with them, I never did. The next most natural response that i could come up with was assimilating with black people. Seemed quite logical that if I didn't belong with those that I had been raised with, I belonged elsewhere. However due to my complexion, and the way I spoke I wasn't always well received by my black American peers either, coupled with the fact that I had already cultivated fine tastes in which some of my peers could not relate.. I found my self caught between a tug of war. Some people are not ok with their blackness. They spend their whole life wishing to be something else. I never saw my blackness as a weakness, yet as a strength. I have also gravitated towards foreigners because I felt that they could relate to the type of lifestyle I am looking to cultivate. Pursuing foreigners has brought a host of other unforeseen issues, as I had to learn that cultural differences do indeed exist even between people of color. One huge conflict that rips me apart is that between Native Africans (born and raised in Africa) and Black Americans (born and raised in the United States). It the ridiculous stereotypes that Americans have against Africans.. coupled by the perceived 'arrogant' attitudes of the Africans. Being a product of a mixed and blended family, I found some aspects of it as a magnet for hate, envy and confusion. I gradually decided I would put the blackness back in my future by reconnecting with Africans. To date I have made great strides, and I am certain I'll leave behind a legacy my children will love. One that helps them embrace not only their own blackness, but that of others. My deep love for people of color shocks everyone , but most of all other people of color. Fortunately through social media I have been connecting with people worldwide, and it saddens me that so many of them are anxious to move to the U.S, although (from my travels I am actually permitted to compare and contrast) some of their quality of life is better in their home country. The whole purpose of writing this blog and by having my YouTube channel is dispelling some stereotypes and speaking the truth. I desire to know Africans better, I desire for them to teach me about my blackness in its purest form.I want to be more resourceful. I honestly believe so much is to be gained if we bridge this gap.. Will you help me?
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Burn Baby Burn.... Riots Say What Words Can't Convey
As a black woman in America.. as someone whose children will also be black.. I fear for my safety and theirs. I understand that no amount of money or education keeps me safe.. that is draws no barriers from me and the misfits of society that also share my color. I understand its time, chance and God that protects me only. I could be the next instance of police brutality... whether I'm in the wrong or not simply because of my color. Simply because of stereotypes. Throughout my lifetime.. I have watched several black people (guilty and innocent, unarmed or armed) die as a result of confrontation with police. Ive watched the situation unfold on T.V. Although I don't know the families personally.. I have shared in their sorrow because I have placed myself in their shoes. I have imagined the very same impact on my own life... and I have imagined the helplessness they must feel. I have watched officers and the like go unpunished, unfined, and acquitted from their crimes.. I absolutely understand the language of a riot. The law has the burden of being an unbiased representation for the general public. It is meant to make us safe.. and we are supposed to trust those in that authority. When those can no longer be trusted.. the people begin to speak in whichever manner they choose too. Is it fair to the causalities? To those bystanders that wish for more peaceful resolutions? Indeed it is not... However a riot is the fruit of bad circumstances... usually the result of an issue gone unresolved too long. I understand.. the frustration. I understand the need to be acknowledged.. I understand that waiting for someone to advocate on your behalf has yet to happen.. yet to yield anything. I understand wanting to inflict the pain you feel on the world.. to make someone pay.. to make someone see you. If there were one thing I' d add to the riots... I'd add burning state buildings.. I'd add burning the communities of those that continue to misuse their positions.. those that choose to ignore... I'd reduce them down to that they may see eye to eye with the despair they contribute too.....
Friday, April 17, 2015
Tragic Murders
I dont know if it is because I am a softy or because I overthink things, but whenever I hear about a tragic death (usually by a gun) It just melts my heart. I then begin to assess why Im still living.. after the wrongs I have done, Why do I still continue to get day after day??? As you know through my blog, I've met hundreds of people. One of my penpals from Ghana (west Africa) informed me one of his office colleagues was violently killed yesterday in his home. The gentleman was just that, gentle. Recently married (in Decemeber) he and his wife were expecting their first child, as she is currently 8 months pregnant. The murder took everyone that knows him by surprise. Even I had seen him on facebook posts.. He had a bright smile that just emulated life. Although, I never met him, I mourn alongside his family at this tremendously sad loss. I often think of the ramifications that murder and random violence leaves on a community. In his case... he has a child that he will never even get to see. His blushing, happy bride has now become a widow.. what seemed like a hopeful future, has all been shattered. Its really sad :-( Why do we not love or cherish each other? Why do we aimlessly take life?
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The Deceased Francis Anderson and his wife on their wedding day |
Thursday, April 16, 2015
"A Little Leaven"........ America's much needed gun reform
After another disturbing case of unsolicited murder by gun that took my place in my city yesterday.. I must officially speak up. A young black wife, mother and entrepreneur was gunned down in the street yesterday by her estranged husband. Also caught up in the crossfire was the victims younger brother. He was also killed point blank range by the husband. This woman was not a gang banger... She was not a drug pusher, stripper or any other sort of shady individual that one would associate with being close to danger. Her husband however.. looked like the typical black American male these days.. Neck tattoo, long dreds. He had the look of a street guy. Only one who knew him intimately knows the details, but based on the actions he took.. I can only surmise his lifestyle was not too removed from the streets. However, both spouses were college educated, and the wife had started a business that was growing. She even employed her husband and younger brother in the chain of 24-hr daycare centers. She was arriving to work when he came an gunned her down in the street. I'm sure she never imagined this fate... I'm sure if I asked her a month ago how she felt about gun reform she may have sided with the more popular mindset of gun freedom in this country, never realizing how it was going to destroy and abruptly end her life. I firmly believe that accessibility is the most pressing issue at hand. It is the very fact that any and everyone can easily get a gun. Janea Harvison was a working girl. She was college educated. She was a wife and mother. She was a entrepreneur. She was not in the middle of a risky life that could remotely indicate her tragic ending.. but the point I want to illustrate goes hand in hand with what the bible warns against. It says
Galatians 5:9 - A little leaven leavens the whole lump., which means a little bit can ruin everything. Gun accessibility is ruining a potential quality life of the American. It is allowing unstable people to have access to do exactly what they are doing. I unequivocally believe the American government has the power to outlaw guns in this country, but I know they consciously choose not too address the problem. The issue is not more laws. we have plenty of laws.The issue is placing deadly weapons in the hands of stupid and senseless people.
Friday, April 3, 2015
Let Me Vent Series: America Is Not A Fantasy Place Where All Dreams Come True (E No Easy)
I may be one of the few people to be honest with you and tell you this country is not filled with money covered trees and the streets are not littered with beautiful, willing and accepting people.. In reality there are many hardships that people of color deal with in this country. Recently I was accused of coming from a silver spoon, that I don't know nor can I relate to the foreigner's struggle. First and foremost, my mother is a foreigner.. so I know very well a firsthand perspective. Secondly, I am traveled and versed in foreign issues enough to speak my piece. Certainly there are benefits to being in this country such a women's rights (being able to become educated and pursue a career to support oneself),independence and also the freedom of speech (In which I can graciously share the truth with the world without fear or contradiction), but many aspects of coming to this country often go unknown until people migrate here, and then and only then are they faced with the truth. The images shown around the world of this country and the perpetuation of all the 'opportunites' that are available here are greatly inflated. It saddens me because often times people leave their home (in which they may even be doing well) to set off for western countries only to live a lesser standard once they arrive. Had they had proper information they may have been able to make the most sensible choice. Trust me, I am gaining nothing by telling you the truth, but i am trying to be a resource for someone; somewhere. I can't speak for everyone, but I hate being deceived and only told the pleasantries upfront, and only learning of the drawbacks either when it is too late of I'm already in the midst. I'm mature enough to understand every action has two sides of the story. Of course everyone can endure the lovely things.. but the question is can you endure the rain?
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