Whether its a boyfriend,friend or marriage we all experience breakups.. so I wonder why people act so weird and secretive when it actually happens to them. Mysteriously, pictures disappear from Facebook, names change, status's get cryptic and strange. Its all so obvious.. but people think that they are hiding the pain. Breakups (whichever form) are always sad... so just be honest about it! I think the fact that we cant be honest about the demise of our relationships is really hurtful to us and others that could stand to gain from our experience. Many of us suffer without common experiences because our peers are too busy trying to put on a front. I was talking to my sister today, and we got on the subject of a couple that we know that got divorced, and the reasons why are still mysterious... I think we could all better help each other if we take our share of the responsibility's as well as coming to grips with the problems that existed. We will be better people if we review ourselves and how to become better in the future. Truth is there is not one of us that has not experienced loss... there is no reason to be shamed. The fact is the more control you take.. the less debilitating it becomes. You lose the fear because you have taken it and face it to become better.. Just remember... everyone has had it happen to them in one form or another... ~Real Talk
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