Sunday, June 29, 2014

Joseph's coat of many colors: Its your dream not theirs

Recently my Pastor has been preaching alot on Joeseph's experience both about his dreams and his journey. The most profound piece was his brothers response to his dreams. Joeseph shared two dreams to his brothers that reflected him as the superior and his brothers were not pleased.  The fact of the matter is that your dreams are YOUR dreams. Others can assist you along your journey, but may not be able to share your passion for your dream. Not only were his brothers unhappy with the vision, but they went as far as to conspire against him. I have learned over the years to keep my plans to myself because of the reception i have received.  I have learned that others may not rejoice for me or wish to even take part. It is for us to write our own storybook and pursue our dreams. Joseph teaches us that even n some cases even our family will not understand or comprehend our dreams. Be strong a carry on.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Let Me Vent Series:Happy Father's Day to Single Mothers???? ; Ludicrous

Single parents in our society is an awful trend, and I will never deny that, However we need to understand and acknowledge the truth. On Facebook this past father's day there was much debate about whether single mothers should be wished a happy fathers day. My say??? Absolutely not. A mother will always be a mother. She does not take the place of the father in his absence. I believe the whole movement is a play to get attention and sympathy. I know that in some cases unforeseen situations have resulted in single parents.... but... lets keep it all the way real, the majority of single parents are the result of unwise decision making, and as always I come down tough on the ladies, because no matter what we will always take the brunt and the blame for unplanned/unwanted pregnancy. Even in marriage, a wife needs to be clear that the majority of parenting will undoubtedly fall on her. So to reiterate, it is quite simple. Mother's have their own day to be recognized, and further more... Parents should not be so desperate to be acknowledged on these holidays anyway; the purpose is to acknowledge you for what you are expected to be doing and providing for your children. You are not doing anything extraordinary by raising your children... you are actually doing the bare minimum.... #IJS

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Role Model? I Think Not Mrs. Carter

Seems to me its all coming out Bey! OOOOPS!

I have heard so many mixed reviews of the Beyonce 'Drunk In Love' performance at the 2014 Grammy award shows. Now me personally, I don't much follow awards shows as I seldom even watch t.v. However with all the hoopla, I watched the performance on YouTube, and now I want to share my thoughts on the whole subject matter:

First of all, I think it is quite the shame that Beyonce can not strike a balance in which she is sexy yet classy and tasteful. I do not believe it is proper for a married woman, performer or not to be dressed so provocatively on the world stage. Beyonce is quite aware of her influence on not only women, but also young women, and shame on her for sending the improper message. I wish so many people did not idolize her.. because she has it all wrong. If any regular wife were to follow her example, her husband would be upset that his wife was showing off all of her assets for everyone to see. The show and tell is supposed to be reserved for the privacy of your husband only. JayZ strategicly exploits his wife, as we can see there is no limit to what she would do for his happiness.

I also think it Ironic that while she struts around scantily clad, her husband is dressed to the nines in an expensive tuxedo looking like the epitome of elegance. So many people love the combination of JayZ and Beyonce not realizing that he has consistently zipped her lips over the years forbidding her to speak on their relationship. And lets not get on the fact that he hand picked her when she was a teenager, molding her into his little sex kitten... smh

Now they are going on tour together, and some seats have astronomical price tags, and the people scramble to get them... at any rate. Im not interested. I used to love JayZ and actually went to one of his concerts a few years ago, but I can't support their deception and stand by idly while they mislead the crowds with their false image. I just think this is a sad state of affairs, when someone who doesn't even have anything to say (because when is the last time you heard Beyonce say ANYTHING profound) is in a position of influence..... sad.

And the elevator situation couldn't have come at a more pivotal time. Her behavior when she was unaware that anyone was watching shows greatly what she is made of. As a wife, there is no way that i would allow my sister to berate my husband like that, even in the circumstance that he was in the wrong. Mrs. Carter, supposedly 'running the world' and what not, was as tame a pussy cat. Not at all what I would expect from the finger snapping, attitude toting diva.. hmmmmmmmmmm #ActionsSpeakLouder

The Real Black "Supermodel"

I ran across this picture, and felt like I should share because I'm not sure if alot of mom's understand the gravity as their role as a mother to the next generation. Often, parents entertain foolish behaviors that becomes the foundation of their child's life, and as someone concerned about the future, I am extremely observant. Many grow up in households where they wish they were elsewhere, only to attempt to mold a lifestyle that will leave them unfulfilled. These people tend to displace the blame, and believe that the solution of their problems is on the other side. Not so, unfortunately. But preparing your child the best that you possibly can, and being honest about some of the challenges that people of color face, you give them a tremendous start in their lives. For the woman of color, there are many disparaging obstacles that may face them, there is no need to further put them behind the eight-ball. Naturally, what our parents, and I place most of that weight on the mothers, expose us to forms our personality and perspective. It is beyond critical that we do the most thorough job as possible. Do you think your children really want to be a thug like their no good daddy? Do you think your daughter should invite provocative attention distracting her from school and progress? And of course,  there are two sides to the coin. Do you think that because you have arrived that your black child turn his or her back on the community that they no longer feel a part of? All such things play a factor.Think about it. 

Staying Relevant

It is one of the most difficult and challenging things to do for any person of substance. Often you will feel the harsh friction while trying to promote your message, and In some cases it can be extremely discouraging. Some fall into the abyss and fall off... others understand the pressure to stay relevant, to maintain and continue forward. This message is especially relevant for me at this current time in my life. I have become somewhat a recluse as I have not been working for a few months. I have kept an extremely low profile, and I know my followers have been waiting for fresh videos & posts. I apologize for the drought, I almost forgot how to keep moving. ;-) but I assure you, I'm back and coming stronger than ever. #TheBlackJetLagProject is still underway and just received a generous donation <3